I scrambled to find something green to wear for this morning’s swim. Fortunately, I still had my super awesome Limerick Narwhals swim cap (thanks againRead More
Adventures in Fitness
I scrambled to find something green to wear for this morning’s swim. Fortunately, I still had my super awesome Limerick Narwhals swim cap (thanks againRead More
As fortunate would dictate, the lake was very calm on Sunday, and we took full advantage if it. My first priority upon arriving was toRead More
Things weren’t looking too promising at 5:30am on Sunday. But fortunately our patience paid off! I saw it as a good omen that I wasRead More
March came in like a lion with unseasonably cold air temperatures, but it showed its lamb-like side with mild winds. So while we had toRead More
Two weeks ago, I opened the window and “influenza.” So I haven’t been able to get out to the lake until recently. Fortunately, the swimRead More
Quick report as I’m finally out of holiday mode and playing catch up! The lake came in at 36.1F on Sunday morning. We had aRead More
A quite sizable group of early morning swimmers showed up at L1 at 5:28am. As expected, we had clear skies and a magnificent sunrise. TheRead More
This will be a quick one as it’s a mighty fine weekend, and I don’t want to squander it in front of the computer! SufficeRead More
Hi everyone! Be sure to come on out to Ohio Street Beach on Saturday morning, July 23, the cheer on Team Carol! Here is ourRead More