Next Meetup



** Open water swimming in Lake Michigan is an inherently risky activity **

Swimming in Lake Michigan can be dangerous, exposing participants to many risks and hazards, some of which are inherent in the very nature of the sport itself, others which result from human error and negligence on the part of the persons involved.

In order to participate in any of our swim meetups you will need to complete a swim waiver to verify that you understand and agree to the following conditions:

1) You are a legal adult (18 years of age or older). OWC is an activity limited to adults only – no minors are allowed in the water or around the swim site during our meetups.

2) You fully recognize and accept the risks and potential dangers to which you may be exposed by engaging in this type of activity. These include – but are not limited to – drowning, hypothermia, serious personal injury, or even damage or loss to personal property.

3) You fully understand and take on yourself all of these risks and accept complete responsibility for any outcomes.

4) You have adequately trained and prepared yourself for each swim and are able to effectively manage the dynamic and uncertain conditions inherent in outdoor swimming.

Bottom line – please know your own limits, have a healthy respect for the forces of nature, and make your swim a safe and enjoyable experience for you and for everyone else.



NEXT MEETUP: Saturday October 26 – L1 – 7:10am