Newsflash: OWC Ownership Change and New Direction

After much deliberation and discussion with my family and friends, I have decided to sell off the ownership and marketing/branding rights of Open Water Chicago to a soon-to-be announced outside party.

While I cannot divulge too many details of the transaction due to a non-disclosure agreement, below are some of the new prospective changes that will take place once OWC is transitioned to the new owners.

Thanks to everyone for a wonderful six years!

Best wishes,


OWC Membership Fees

Starting immediately, OWC will now assess membership fees to new and existing swimmers. “Lake Monsters” will have a choice of either paying a $250 annual fee for unlimited swim meetup access, or they can alternatively pay a $10 “drop-in” fee to attend individual meetups.

Swim Proficiency Requirements

Because of the new transition to a high-intensity training (HIT) model, all swimmers attending any OWC meetup will need to demonstrate the ability to swim at least two (2) miles in the open water. Anyone not being able to meet these basic requirements will not be able to participate in any of the OWC meetups.

Organized HIT Workouts

Each OWC meetup will involve a structured swim workout organized as follows:

– WARMUP: One (1) mile distance swim at a moderate pace
– SPRINT & RECOVERY SET: 1/4 mile hard sprint swim followed by 1/4 mile moderate recovery swim on the return leg
– INTERVALS (ramp up set): 4 x 100 meters at moderate pace
– INTERVALS (anaerobic set): 4 x 100 meters at hard pace
– INTERVALS (recovery set): 4 x 100 meters at easy pace
– TABATA SPRINTS: 20 second maximum effort swim followed by 10 second rest (repeated 8 times)
– WARMDOWN: One (1) mile distance swim at a moderate/easy pace

These will be instructor-supervised sessions, and OWC swimmers will have their individual times tracked and monitored throughout the 2014 swimming season.

Swim Gear & Safety Requirements

Due to potential safety issues, all swimmers will be required to wear wetsuits to enhance buoyancy while in the open water. In addition, no swimming will take place in water temperatures above 78F or below 55F.

OWC On-Site Rules

Swim start times will be strictly enforced. Anyone causing delays due to watching sunrises or socializing with other members will be expelled from the group and will permanently lose their Lake Monster number.

6 Replies to “Newsflash: OWC Ownership Change and New Direction

  1. I enjoyed watching the videos and reading the posts. I have been inspired by the OWC and the members. I did my first open water swim in South Shore Marina in New Orleans on 4-13-2014. I am not very fast but I swam 1.2 miles in 1 hour 9 minutes 10 seconds.

    1. its very good to here your now out of the pool and into the open water.
      I’ve been swimming in lake Michigan for 39 years and every day is different from flat water to heavy waves and currents so its near impossible to swim the same times every time out. i can assure you that i don’t try to swim fast times instead i just relax and enjoy my time in the water. two years ago English Channel Mike told me i could swim easier and faster just bye rolling my shoulders with each stroke instead of laying flat in the water – he was correct , i was wasting a lot of energy doing it the wrong way. i swim with a mask and snorkel so i can look for treasure as i swim so i wasn’t rotating to breath.
      take care
      diver dave

  2. English Channel Mike is now offering private one hour big arm swim lessons for $500 a session to help get you in shape to qualify for the new OWC !

  3. It’s a good thing steve decided to take a vacation from work so he can now train to qualify for the new n improved OWC !

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