Dave took his sister, Anne, out to our Montrose swim site yesterday were she officially earned her much coveted Ice Monster designation. Way to keep it in the family, Dave!
In-swim selfie
Anne, Ice Monster 16 (congrats!)
4 Replies to “New Ice Monster!”
Congratulations on joining the
Ranks of ice monsters Anne!
My sister and swim with me in a swimsuit in Antarctica she said Lake Michigan was a bit warmer… And she can’t wait to do more swim ladder one Montrose and Howard Beach this winter she really enjoyed it
Congratulations on joining the
Ranks of ice monsters Anne!
My sister and swim with me in a swimsuit in Antarctica she said Lake Michigan was a bit warmer… And she can’t wait to do more swim ladder one Montrose and Howard Beach this winter she really enjoyed it
Congratulations Anne on being an Ice Monster. This is a great honor!
Happy New Year Paul ,
when do plan to join us for a winter swim ?
the water is much warmer then the air right now !