According to a blurb in today’s Chicago Tribune: The top five beaches in Cook County that exceeded the national standard for E. coli levels inRead More
Category: Great Lakes
If you swim at Ohio Street Beach, chances are you have had to postpone some of your recent workouts due to elevated levels of E.Read More
There’s an ugly rumor going around that summer begins in late June. Something to do with a “solstice” (whatever that is). Well I’m here toRead More
Besides Ladder #1 itself, one of the more iconic items out at the swim site is that peculiar structure that looms way out on theRead More
Right now, there is a thin layer of water on the surface of Lake Michigan that is colder than 39F (4C) and therefore less dense.Read More
Another amazing shot that Dave took on January 14, 2009:
Here’s a photo that Dave took yesterday out at Ladder #1:
Dave was out again this morning – swimming in 33F water with “slushy” conditions! He took this shot of Ladder #1 before having to de-iceRead More
Ohio Street Beach was jam packed with triathletes, all of whom were brave enough to take on the wind and waves. The water temperature wasRead More