The sun was out in full force by the time I arrived at Ladder #1. The air temperature came in at 51F, but the thermometer reading indicated a surprisingly warm lake at 54F. I went with a full wetsuit, a neoprene swim cap, neoprene foot covers, and thin neoprene gloves and was quite cozy during the out-and-back. I was testing out my new Barracuda wire mask swim goggles, and I’m happy to report that they performed flawlessly – I recommend everyone check them out.
The water had a slight ripple to it but was impeccably clear. I stayed fairly close to the retaining wall on the out portion of the swim and had no trouble at all sighting on Ladder #1 during the return trip. Post swim was reminiscent of late May or early June. With air temps hovering near 60F, I sat around, drank tea, and soaked up the sun. I realize many of you are reluctant to come out swimming past September, but this was definitely a late spring swim cloaked in November clothing. And since tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer and sunnier, I would advise to you dust off your wetsuit and give the lake a shot in the morning!
November sunrise
The author post-swim
“Kit” makes an appearance
Still life at Ladder #1
This morning’s footage (I goofed on the date – it’s actually not the 6th!)
Hey Steve where’s the new Lake Monster
member who braved the 50 + degree
water in just her bathing suit.
Was that me?
I went to Promontory Point this morning. Water 51.
ohhahahah! quite obviously not me
the pics didn’t come out on my phone.
Clearly there’s another brave soul out there.
What time are ppl going in tomorrow? Is the water really still above 50??
steve needs to invest in a better thermometer ! the water is 51 1/2 degrees today and when i arrived it was almost mirror flat. the air was 65 and when i returned from a 3 miler it was 70 degrees and glorious sunshine ! ! ! I did make the mistake of not eating or drinking anything before the swim and i got a litttle chill after the 2 mile mark. So remember kids to eat and drink something before your swim or you will wished you did during the swim. Sunday is to be as nice so i hope to see you there ……