Swim Report – July 7, 2024 – July Bliss

We finally broke out of the 60Fs with the lake coming in at 70F (in swim reading). And with the outside temp at 73F and a close to mirror flat lake, we couldn’t have asked for a better morning for a swim! I got in my 1/2 mile but was in no hurry to get out of the lake. So I did a lazy loop to the 1/4 mile mark and out near the buoys, stopping several times just to float in the perfect lake and take in the summer. We had a great turnout at 5:30am with a good mix of long-time regulars as well as some new Lake Monsters who all got their coveted LM numbers. Too bad we couldn’t have these conditions all year long!

First glimpse of the new day!
Everybody in the pool!
Swim start
Ania, Lake Monster 602 (congrats!)
Wojciech, Lake Monster 603 (congrats!)
Peter, Lake Monster 604 (congrats!)

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