We finally got a minor reprieve from Old Man Winter last Sunday. While the lake temperature came in at a not unexpected 33F, the air temperature was downright balmy at 37F. Plus the lake was very calm, and we had clear blue skies with lots of sunshine to temper the chill – all good signs!
Even with perfect swimming conditions, we did have a challenge. L1 was encased in ice at the base and down the steps into the lake. While I had my pick axe, it was a pretty major job. So we opted to get in the lake at L2 as the ice wasn’t as extensive – so we could clear it pretty quickly.
I was still fighting off a nasty cold, so I went with a fullsuit since my cold tolerance was not at 100%. I was able to get in just over 1/4 mile but decided to cut it short as my fingertips were getting very cold. I had forgotten my thermos of hot water, so I wasn’t able to add any of it into my gloves prior to entering the water. Otherwise, I could have stayed in the water much longer. But no real complaints – just glad to be able to get in the lake again!