Now that the ice shield is no longer locking us out of the lake, we were able to get in at L1 for the first time in several weeks. And while we didn’t get the clear and sunny skies of the day before, it was still a pretty awesome swim!
With the days getting longer, sunrise is starting to take place much earlier. So I got out to L1 just before 6:30am hoping to catch the show. Unfortunately, we had some overcast skies and a very foggy lakefront. But while this didn’t give us much of a sunrise, it did provide a pretty spectacular backdrop to our swim!
The lake came in at a crisp 36F that was somewhat tempered by a 43F air temp. And while the lake was a bit choppy, it was surprisingly clear – likely due to some of the lower layers of the lake starting to mix up with the surface. Perhaps this is a harbinger of an early Spring?