Similar to two weeks ago, we had high waves driven by the sustained winds from the east. But the lake temp came in at 73F, and the swells had a fairly regular cadence. So four us us opted to get in a quick dip while on site.
Getting in the lake was fairly textbook – climb in quickly and get out of the vicinity of L1 so as not to be propelled back into the wall. Once that was accomplished, it was just a matter of navigating the swells. Our swim goal was pretty clear cut – ride the drift and make L2 the egress point as exiting at L1 was out of the question.
We all stayed in close proximity, and the only tricky part was timing the swells while climbing out of the lake. The first attempt was thwarted by a rogue wave, but the second was a success. While we all would have liked to have stayed in longer (as the lake was actually quite pleasant), we decided not to tempt fate any further. But if we had had Diver Dave’s inner tubes with us, we might still be out there right now!