While we didn’t get much of a sunrise this morning as we had some pretty overcast skies. But we did have a uniformly warm lake (70.4F) and some slight chops that kept things interesting.
I got in my usual half mile without any problems, and we ushered in some new Lake Monsters – so another fantastic morning!

Hi, I miss outdoor swimming which I did regularly in an olympic-size pool prior to moving to Chicago years ago. I was hoping to get started in open-water swimming since I don’t have much access to outdoor pools here. But I noticed you put: “4) You have adequately trained and prepared yourself for each swim and are able to effectively manage the dynamic and uncertain conditions inherent in outdoor swimming.” in your introductory page.
Can you give advice on how to train and prepare oneself for open-water swimming, assuming one wants to get started with no prior experience? I am out of regular swimming shape but am excited to get back in. Do you ever offer any events for first-timers who need to learn what’s up?