Swim Report – September 4, 2022 – 70F+ Zone

The forecast for Sunday morning was pretty grim – namely, a beach advisory with expected 7 foot waves. So I wasn’t too optimistic that there would be any swimming out at L1. However, I decided to check things out even if it meant making it a photography-only outing. And lucky for me, the wind gods were napping when I got out to the swim site!

We didn’t really get much of a sunrise as we had some pretty overcast skies at 6:15am. But the high waves didn’t materialize, so the swim was a go. I took the lake temp, and it came in at a surprisingly high 72.2F – yet another unexpected bonus! So I went minimalist (i.e. jammers and goggles) and climbed down into the lake.

While we didn’t get any larger waves, we did have some swells that would occasionally crest to around 3 feet. But certainly nothing that would hamper our swimming. In fact, the swells were quite regular which made it easy to time – particularly on the way back. But the higher than expected water temperature more than made up for everything!

Overcast skyline at dawn
No sun show this morning
Geese phalanx
Doug, Lake Monster 554 (congrats!)

2 Replies to “Swim Report – September 4, 2022 – 70F+ Zone

  1. Anyone want to swim on Saturday morning? Going to be in town and looking for some open water folks to join for a swim out of Lincoln park/Gold Coast area.

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