The Air Show morning gave us a 75F lake temp, a 58F air temp, and perfect swimming conditions. Sunrise was at 5:50am, and boy wasRead More
Adventures in Fitness
The Air Show morning gave us a 75F lake temp, a 58F air temp, and perfect swimming conditions. Sunrise was at 5:50am, and boy wasRead More
Lake Michigan gave us a fiery 76F water temp at 5:40am with the outside air coming in at 73F. We had some chops to contendRead More
Sunrise is still pretty early at 5:30am, but it turned out to be the sweet spot for a lake swim this morning! The water tempRead More
We finally broke out of the 60Fs with the lake coming in at 70F (in swim reading). And with the outside temp at 73F andRead More
The last morning of June was a bit raucous with 2-3 foot swells due to a 15mph wind from the north. But we had aRead More
Our first meetup of the summer brought us a 68F lake, an outside temp of 76F, and perfect lake conditions – about as good asRead More
With the summer solstice almost upon us, the days are the longest and the sunrises are the earliest this time of year. But despite theRead More
Lake Michigan gave us a 64F lake temp – much more temperate than the 59F air temp – and some chops and building swells atRead More
Spring has finally sprung, and we got to experience its full morning splendor last Sunday. The lake came in at 60F (finally breaking out ofRead More
A few intrepid Lake Monsters came out at 5:40am to get in a swim in a perfectly clear lake that was within striking distance ofRead More