7 Replies to “Happy Birthday to Diver Dave!

  1. Happy Belated Birthday Diver Dave!! Mine was the 15th and probably the coldest ever. Eric will no doubt be in the lake soon for his innaugural summer swim. I am sure you will see him. We were blessed with a baby girl last December and she has already been in a pool with her Daddy in Miami. Hopefully you will get to meet her sometime. Many more Happy Birthdays!

  2. is it a bird, is it a seal, no it must be diver
    dave floating in on the polar ice melt just
    in time for his B-day
    Aquaman Chris

  3. Happy birthday, Dave! Looking forward to hearing about what you find in the lake this year, good and bad!

  4. don’t you worry… as soon i get those much needed hair plugs – hair dye – botox and loose 50 pounds and a tummy tuck… i will look a year or two younger and 54 years of age! all i need is that winning lottery ticket …. ha ha ha
    thanks for the birthday wishes
    diver dave
    ladder #1
    oak st beach

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