Swim Report – August 11, 2012 – Big waves!

With a 59F air temperature and a forecast calling for 20 mph winds with waves of up to 10 feet, I wasn’t very optimistic that we’d get in a swim this morning. But by the time I arrived at L1, things had settled down. Slightly.

Nick, Andrew, Flint, and Jason showed up, and we waited for the official lake temperature before deciding how to proceed. After getting a reading of 72.1F, we decided the swim was a go since the colder air temperature would soon be tempered by the warmer sun (as soon as it decided to come out from behind a cloud bank).

The waves were in the 4-5 foot range, but every once in a while we’d get a monster rogue one that was almost twice that height. We stayed out further from the wall since the waves were stronger there, and we cut outward towards the center of Oak Street Beach so as not to get caught in “Hell’s Corner” – the infamous area where the wall meets the beach.

The last 20 meters were definitely the toughest since we had to contend with the waves breaking in the more shallow waters at the beach. Ditto on the return 1/2 mile.

Still, we managed to get in the full out-and-back mile and certainly exceeded our adventure quota for the weekend!

Pre-dawn gathering at L1


Leap of faith

Jason in the waves

Flint at the beach

Video at the halfway point

One Reply to “Swim Report – August 11, 2012 – Big waves!”

  1. Great job on the swim! I wish I were there for the waves.
    That picture of “Jason in the waves” is classic!


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