These quasi-solstice sunrise swims have some pretty brutal start times, but there’s nothing you can do about Mother Nature…
A bleary-eyed band of swimmers showed up for the 5:30am swim – just in time to catch the last glimpse of the only 10 minutes of real sunshine we got all morning. But it was all worth it. The lake temp came in at a refreshing 64.5F with an amazingly calm lake given the impending presence of storms.
The out-and-back to the beach was quite uneventful for me, but the fellows who swam out by the buoys had a rather unpleasant encounter with a large and quite putrid dead carp. Lucky them!
We hung out after the swim and socialized a bit before leaving L1 around 7:15am. By then, all the running groups were starting to populate the lakefront path. I took that as a sign it was time to head back and catch a nap.
Overall, another fantastic morning with the lake all to ourselves!
Pre-sunrise lake with rain off in the distance
Cloudy skyline
Surprise appearance by the sun!
Everybody in the lake!
“The Pool” at 6:30am
Beth, Lake Monster 228 (congrats!)
Danny, Lake Monster 229 (congrats!)
Marton, Lake Monster 230 (congrats!)
Clayton, Lake Monster 231 (congrats!)
Today’s video: