Swim Report – September 12, 2009 – Finally Summer!

When the mercury read 67F at 5:30am, I knew that this would turn out to be a perfect late summer morning. And the foggy ride through the park out to Ladder #1 just added to the overall anticipation (suspense?) of the impending swim.

Carol and I watched the sunrise as it crested over the fog bank, and Ann showed up shortly thereafter to catch the show. I took the official water temperature which came back at an incendiary 71F!

The swim was a straightforward out-and-back in just my jammers, and I wasn’t cold at all. Although I say this a lot, you really should have been out there this morning. It was one for the ages!

Late summer splendor

Self-portrait at water level

Carol in action

0 Replies to “Swim Report – September 12, 2009 – Finally Summer!

  1. What a great day to swim!! That was the day of my race. I didn’t even need a wetsuit because it was so warm!

    In the 2.5k I placed 1st in my age group, 2nd in the non wetsuit division and 3rd in the overall combined wetsuit & non wetsuit.

    Not too bad after being cleared by the Dr.’s to swim a month ago and taking chemotherapy everyday!

    Thanks for the support! I appreciate it!

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