Swim Report – October 31, 2021 – Halloween Edition

The days of warmer water are quickly coming to an end as the lake teeters on the precipice of the Fall turnover. However, we still managed to get a 56.4F lake temp on All Hallows’ Eve – certainly higher than what I was expecting!

Given a 48F air temp, we wasted little time in between donning our swim gear and getting in the lake. However, once in, it was a lovely experience. The sun was out in force, and we had some very slight swells which added some variety to the swim without interfering with it.

I will stress it again that October sunrises are some of the best of the year. And if you don’t believe me, just check out the shots below!

Morning skyline
Dawn colors
Sunrise sequence!
Lake Monsters pre-swim
Another perfect morning for a swim!

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