Swim Report – October 22, 2009 – Calm Waters

I met Fred out at Ladder #1 for an early swim this morning (6:30am). It was still pretty dark out, but the air temperature was a very tolerable 53F. The lake was calm, clear, and still with the water temperature also coming in at 53F.

We started the swim in the dark, but the city lights along Lake Shore Drive kept things fairly visible. Despite the overcast skies, the sun rose during our 3/4 mile out-and-back making the return leg a lot easier to navigate. I was quite comfortable in my wetsuit and foot covers, but my hands got a bit chilly towards the tail end of the swim.

But even with the colder water, it was a great morning for a swim. I hammered it home on the bike since I had to get into the office by 8:00am, and I was fortunate to catch the 143 bus right away. And one thing is for certain – you don’t need coffee to wake up after spending 30 minutes in 53F water.

Still waters


Autumn leaves


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