The lakefront was surprisingly active yesterday morning. While I’m sure the later sunrise time helped bring people out, the real draw was likely the ideal conditions for capturing sunrise shots given that mid to late October mornings offer color, clarity, and contrast unmatched by other months.
Once again, the weather spirits were kind to us giving us a calm, flat lake and no wind to nip at us in the 52F air. The lake came in at a solid 54.5F, and but for a pesky low lying cloud wall to the east, we had bright and clear skies. So while we planned to wait until the sun appeared, we got a bit restless and went in the lake before it made its official entrance.
As with last week, I went in with just my jammers and neoprene cap. But I also slathered on some shea butter on my torso, neck, arms, and legs which really took the edge off of the lake entry and made a huge difference in swim.
I decided to only do 1/4 mile as I had to get back up north for a morning appointment. But I could have easily stayed in the lake much longer as the sun came out in full mod-swim making it quite comfortable the entire time I was in the lake. Fingers crossed that we get these conditions next week!