Swim Report – November 8, 2014 – Fall Turnover Edition

Six of us met out at L1 just after 7:00am, and what a difference a week makes! Unlike the chaos of last week, we had a mirror flat lake with a very slight wind that really didn’t impact the water conditions at all.

The lake temp came in at 48F (surface) which was just slightly warmer than the 43F air temperature. However, Nick pointed out another key change from last week – namely, that the water now had a murkiness that we typically only see during the winter months. So for better or worse, it looks like the Fall turnover has finally arrived!

Given the colder lake temperature, many of us opted for full or partial neoprene. Since I only did 1/2 mile this time, I took a chance with just my jammers and a dual silicone/neoprene cap. And while the first two minutes were predictably terrifying, it actually became quite pleasant once I had fully acclimated.

As soon as we all got back and exited the water, we wasted little time getting into dry clothes in a valiant but futile effort to stave off the inevitable afterdrop. But even with numb hands and chattering teeth, none of us would have traded this morning for a boring ole’ pool swim!

Lake Monsters pre swim!


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