Swim Report – November 2, 2010 – Election Day dip

It was a long day spent non-stop on the horn and in front of the computer. But I dearly wanted to catch a bit of the sun before it set behind the lakefront highrises. So I took a bike ride out to L1 and got in a very quick 1/4 mile swim just before dusk arrived.

I went in sans wetsuit – jammers and thermo shirt – and it was quite a cold shock for the first few minutes. The air temp was a crisp 45F and the lake came in at an estimated 52F. The thermo shirt and neoprene swim cap sure were lifesavers, though!

Before the big chill

One Reply to “Swim Report – November 2, 2010 – Election Day dip”

  1. I hear that Danny Boyle swam the mile with only his swim suit last week , and he didn’t even cry about the cooler water temperature .

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