Swim Report – May 6, 2011 – Hanging with the CFD

I took a quick bike ride out to L1 at around 9:30am, and the conditions were near perfect. The air temp came in at 61F with the water temp an estimated 51F. The lake was mirror flat, and the clouds had not yet moved in to obscure the sunshine.

I opted to go with just my jammers, short-sleeved thermo shirt, and neoprene cap and was quite comfortable during the 3/4 mile swim in “the pool.” L1 was quite the center of activity with the Chicago Fire Department conducting scuba drills at the site. I had a chance to chat with a number of them, and they were somewhat miffed as well at the damage done to L1 by some errant dozer.

It was a great day to be out at the lakefront, in any event. All the L1 and lakefront regulars are starting to show up again. I saw Surfer Jack, Two Liter Pete, Helmut, and Hi Guy to name just a few. That’s the surest sign that summer is around the corner!

A battered but noble L1

Chicago Fire Department trucks

Scuba team post-dive

One Reply to “Swim Report – May 6, 2011 – Hanging with the CFD”

  1. It was nice to talk to you that day ! Careful swimming out there, we will be watching ! J/K


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