Swim Report – May 17, 2009 – An early report by Chris

Per Chris:

Okay this is the official swim report for sunday may 17th… after watching a brilliant sunrise from ladder #1, I proceeded into a slightly rolling lake michigan, after the beach landing and heading back to ladder one the gentle undulating waves almost lolled me into a deep trance like state of mind, this could be because i only logged about two to three hours of sleep, so for all the rest of you lake swimmers, drop and give me twenty. Not making the weekend morning swim is considered as an unauthorized absence, therefore for your next swim a half mile extra is due, more than that is considered X-tra credit. After completing my mile swim i decided since i didn’t perish from saturdays 1/2 wetsuit dunking, i completed a 1/2 mile plus just bathing suit swim in the 53 1/2 degree water. For all swimmers next weekend the beaches officially open.

0 Replies to “Swim Report – May 17, 2009 – An early report by Chris

  1. Ok you are guys are making me very cold right now with you swimming stories. I will be heading to my little pool with the constant 80 degree temps which everyone thinks is cold but me. I did my 30 push-ups this morning does that count for my extra-credit for next week’s swim?

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