Swim Report – July 9, 2011 – Lake Monsters in Wonderland

What can I say other than if you slept in, you missed out on one of the best swims in recorded L1 history!

We had a great turnout of swimmers, most of whom thumbed their noses at the sandman and made it out to catch the amazing sunrise at 5:25am. New Lake Monsters included Denys, Chas, Hieu, Matt, and Cole.

The water temperature came in at a phenomenal 72F with perfectly calm, aquarium clear water. We hopped into the pool just after sunrise and had a magnificent show to the east courtesy of Mother Nature. I must confess, I got so distracted by the spectacle that I forgot to record a video for this morning!

So these images will have to suffice…

Sunrise swimmers


Resident of the aquarium

Chas, Lake Monster #113

Hieu, Lake Monster #114

Matt, Lake Monster #115

Cole, Lake Monster #116 (It’s his lake, we just swim in it…)

2 Replies to “Swim Report – July 9, 2011 – Lake Monsters in Wonderland

  1. Cole must be the youngest Lake Monster ever (I’m sure Steve knows). Probably a future Great Lakes or Channel swimmer!

  2. Cole got out of bed early this morning to take a swim with his old man. He was off and swimming before I got my suit on. A lake monster at 5 years old. Not bad, not bad at all!

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