Swim Report – July 2, 2011 – HELP FIND MY CAMERA! :(

The good news is that we had a great turnout -14 swimmers with more showing up later. Plus, we had a 66F lake with a magnificent sunrise.

The bad news is that I lost my camera after the swim when I was horsing around in the vicinity of L1…

So, unfortunately, I do not have any pictures or video clips from this morning! However, here’s a sunrise from two years ago that’s somewhat comparable to what we had today:

So if any of you are out at L1 and happen to find my camera, let me know!


It’s somewhere in the area approximately 50 yards off of L1 – pretty much a straight shot east about halfway to the buoy. It’s a silver Sony Cybershot that’s waterproof – so it should still be functional.

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

3 Replies to “Swim Report – July 2, 2011 – HELP FIND MY CAMERA! :(

  1. if steve would have called me before the lifeguards went on duty at 11am i had my tanks in the car… i looked with a mask and fins for at least one hour and steve tried for 45 minutes and no luck at all…
    i loaded up 3 tanks for sunday morning and will try again…
    wish me luck !
    laura did you enjoy you swim video ?

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