Another short one, but at least I’m getting it out before the end of the week!
As we transition to the dog days of summer, the mercury rises unmercifully outside. However, all is calm and pleasant at the lakefront at 5:25am. And those who show up for our meetups are almost always guaranteed a great experience!
The lake temp came in at a tepid 74.2F (73.8F in swim), and we were fortunate enough to have just a slight swell. So getting in and out of the water was quite easy. But as usual, we didn’t start exactly on time as we were distracted by both the amiable socialization as well as the breathtaking sunrise to the east.
I was one of the last to get in as I was capturing shots of all the others, but I was one of the first ones back at L1 given that I did a shorter swim. In total, I got in 1/2 mile – a point-to-point swim to Oak Street Beach. By then the outside air temp had climbed to 75F, so it was a pleasant walk back to L1.
I had a local appointment at 8:00am, so I had a chance to stick around for a bit longer than usual. That meant that I was able to see some of the “old school” OWC folks that I used to swim with years ago who now come out later. Hard to believe I’ve been doing this swim group for 12 years!