A strong west wind coupled with sub-32F air temperatures pretty much locked us out of the lakefront on Sunday. Fortunately, we followed the lead of some hearty waterfowl and managed to get in a swim before the snow really set in!
My overall endurance is still a bit compromised thanks to a rather intransigent pathogen I picked up in Dubai a few weeks ago. But never one to be won over by such frivolous diversions as heat, sunshine, and warm water, I made the gleeful pilgrimage out to our fabulous lakefront to take part in a true February swim experience. And once again, Lady Luck ran interference for us so we could extend our winter swim streak for yet another week!
The in-swim lake temperature came in at a languid 32.8F – which was a welcome relief from a biting, sustained wind that had started to bring snow flurries the moment we arrived on site. And while we didn’t get a lot of open water to play in, it was certainly much more than last week!