Swim Report – August 2, 2009 – Brrrr…!

I didn’t make it out to the swim site on Sunday, but Chris and Laura got in an early morning swim. Dave made it out there in the afternoon. Per Chris:

Well after Saturday’s beautiful swim went back down Sunday arrived about 6:30am little late due to traffic rerouting due to Chicago half marathon. The Ochoas said a lady had just left ladder one. I could see the swimmer mid wall by looking at the gear left behind I figured it was Laura. I proceeded to follow with my leap into the lake.

Well the water took my breath away. I’m not talking about how beautiful and pristine flat it was like a mirror. No, it felt extremely cold right away. Oh well, get swimming you’ll warm up, I figured. Well that didn’t work either, so I started to think about the different lake temps I’ve experienced and calculated this must be about a 10 degree drop from Saturday’s 71 degrees.

Well I hit one or two spots where the water rose a degree or so but they were just a few yards long. When I got to Oak Street Beach I scanned the area looking for Laura both toward Ohio and back to ladder one. Seeing no one, I proceeded to swim back to ladder one. Once there I went to my vehicle to get thermometer.

I was shocked after taking numerous readings to find the lake temp at 55 degrees. When I got home I checked all sources to see if maybe my thermometer was off. I get a call from Dave (it’s now afternoon) and he’s telling me how frozen he is after doing a mile swim. He said his dive thermometer was reading 57 degrees, so it got a couple of degrees warmer since the morning plunge into cold water.

Yes folks, that’s a 15 degree drop in a 24 hour period. The photo is from last winter but just a reminder if you don’t have cold water survival training don’t go swimming unless you know what conditions are.

Aquaman Chris

0 Replies to “Swim Report – August 2, 2009 – Brrrr…!

  1. Wow, that’s strange. I swam at Ohio St at 7:30 am on Sunday and it didn’t feel any colder than usual, certainly nowhere near 57 degrees or I would have noticed, since I was just in my swimsuit. I guess the cold current didn’t reach that far south?

  2. Chris-Sorry I missed you–I was on a roll and headed to Ohio. I know what you guys say about that area, but it was a heckuva lot warmer over there!

    Carol, I’m going to have to get one of those thermal shirts like you have for days this this one!

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