Swim Report – August 17, 2010 – Just like the Caribbean…

I met up with Joe at L1 for a quick swim this morning. The conditions were ideal – 68F water temperature, mirror flat surface, and a water clarity that seriously rivaled what I saw two weeks ago in Lake Superior.

We did an out-and-back to Oak Street Beach, all the while amazed at how far we could see in all directions underwater. Without a doubt, this was one of the best swims of the year!

Brilliant sunrise

Joe (Lake Monster #70 – congrats!)

3 Replies to “Swim Report – August 17, 2010 – Just like the Caribbean…

  1. it looks so pretty! i love swimming in the still conditions myself, but it always looks wavy when I look out the window to consider going or on the brink of rain. I’m a wimp.

    Is it usually really still before 7?

    1. Hey Kate! More often than not, the lake is pretty calm around sunrise. It’s not unusual to have mirror flat conditions at 6:00am only to have the wind and waves (and storms) move in after two hours. Come on out!

  2. Steve,
    did you give him the traditional lake monster hearty hand shake? holy cats if all 70 of us show up at the same time it could get a little hectic ….

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