Way late on this swim report, but like you all I have been mired in managing the chaos and disruption from this whole COVID-19 thing. Nevertheless, the rapacious demands by the general public for updates on OWC’s winter shenanigans do not wane even under these extraordinary circumstances…
Bottom line, we lucked out on the 8th as we got a clear morning with a very calm lake. The official stats were as follows: 36.4F lake temp, 39.0F air temp. I got in 1/2 mile in my truncated winter gear setup.
March 15 wasn’t so lucky. We had a brisk wind from the east that generated some higher volume swells with rogue waves that would occasionally top L1. So we threw in the towel and went home.
I will likely not be out at L1 organizing anything for the immediate short term given all the emphasis on limiting public gatherings. This is not to say that I won’t occasionally sneak out to some local beach so as to provide a much needed respite from the doldrums of domiciliary incarceration (addicts gotta addict).
So thus concludes my brief missive – stay tuned for more updates. And happy Spring!