In today’s Wall Street Journal, the article When Sleep Leaves You Tired highlights the problem of sleep deprivation in our society: Chronic, inadequate sleep raisesRead More
Author: srhernan
Congress created Men’s Health Week in 1994 to heighten awareness of preventable health problems among men and boys. This year, Men’s Health Week occurs duringRead More
Here are Chris’ notes from this morning: Well if you slept in you missed out on a wonderful swim opportunity, water temp was 55 degreesRead More
The sun rose at 5:16am, and I made it out to Ladder #1 just in time to catch the show. I had to clean upRead More
Having the alarm clock sound off at 4:30am on a Saturday morning doesn’t make much sense to most people. And if you tell them thatRead More
We were hoping for a nice sunny Memorial Day morning at Ladder #1, but overcast skies and gusty winds made the swim area a veritableRead More
Sunrise came at 5:25am, and Chris and I were there early to snap a few shots. The official water temperature came in at 55F withRead More
There’s an ugly rumor going around that summer begins in late June. Something to do with a “solstice” (whatever that is). Well I’m here toRead More
Dave, Chris, and I all got in a swim today sans wetsuit. Dave and Chris hit the lake early in the day and did aRead More
Per Chris: Okay this is the official swim report for sunday may 17th… after watching a brilliant sunrise from ladder #1, I proceeded into aRead More