Swim Report – January 20, 2018 – Positive Wind Chill Edition

Four of us met out at L1 shortly before sunrise on Saturday. Unlike the past two weekends, the air temperature was mercifully mild this time (a very manageable 30F).

L1 was covered in a thick layer of ice which required some handiwork from the pick ax. But I waited until we were ready to get in the lake before hacking it off as it was rather striking looking in the clear morning sun!

The in-swim water temp came in at 33.2F – a slight improvement over two weeks ago. But with clear skies, no wind, and some very intense sunshine, the lake was actually quite amenable to our year-round magnificent obsession.

In what is now my new winter setup, I went with the double layer short sleeve top, shorts, hood, gloves, and booties and was able to do 1/4 in total. I could have done much more, but I had an early morning appointment up north, so I had to hustle back to L1 and abscond the premises prematurely.

Too bad I had to leave so soon – it turned out to be a very pleasant morning at our favorite swim spot!

L1 and skyline at dawn

No running today – but lots of swimming!


Navigating the ice hazards

Ice Monsters in their element

Back at L1!

The OWC “warming shelter”

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