The last “official” meetup of Summer 2013!
Despite a very crisp 53F air temperature, the lake came in at a scorching 68F! Nevertheless, Ma Nature wasn’t willing to give up summer without a fight…
There was a pesky cloud bank hugging the horizon to the east, so we decided to get in before the sun made its official appearance. We got to the 1/4 mile mark when the Grand Show finally took place – and was it ever spectacular! I snapped a few pics of the sunrise in the tumultuous water and headed south through the slog.
The waves at the beach were breaking pretty hard, but that just presented us with an opportunity to test out our bodysurfing skills. This was a much needed break, since the swim back to L1 – especially the first 100 meters – was a real bear! But we all made it back and secured bragging rights for the weekend!
Everybody in the pool!
Race to the beach
Sunrise shot at water level
The author taking a breather to do a “selfie”
The Moon!
Oak Street Beach
Enjoying the waves
Back at L1
Carrie, Lake Monster 271 (congrats!)
Tim, Lake Monster 272 (congrats!)
Jim, Lake Monster 273 (congrats!)
Noreen, Lake Monster 274 (congrats!)
This morning’s video!
i couldn’t make it out early and arrived at 10 am…
the water temp was 68.4 all the way to the beach and the weather man lied… the winds were from the N.E and east filling the pool with 3 to 6 foot rolling waves ! it was a nice last day of summer swim…