Fall is creeping up on us, and the mornings are definitely getting crisper. But the lake is still pretty warm! The water temperature came in at 70F, so wetsuits were optional. However, the real challenge this morning was in navigating a very tempestuous Lake Michigan…
I did my usual “out-and-back” to Oak Street Beach and was pretty tousled about by the swells. The return leg was by far more difficult because I was going against the current at that point. Nevertheless, it was a really fun swim because I had a chance to test my mettle in some really choppy water.
It’s so important to get some practice in these types of conditions because they force you to focus on managing your “mental game” in the moment. Lap swimming in a pool may refine your technique, but it does nothing to help you quickly and successfully adapt to a dynamic and chaotic swimming environment. Only by placing yourself in situations where you must fully engage your senses and react on instinct do you become more effective at managing uncertainty – both in and out of the water.
The post-swim festivities included the ushering in of three new Lake Monsters as well as what looks to be a new tradition out at OL#1. I’ve been bringing fresh pineapples out as a post-swim snack, and they’re been quite the hit among the group out there. Not only are fresh pineapple slices the perfect re-energizer, but they taste pretty good with a splash of Barbancourt Reserve Speciale… 😉
Charles and Jayme, Lake Monsters #18 and #19 respectively (congrats!)