Daylight Savings Time gave us one less hour of sleep, but it also bumped up sunrise to 7:00am. So this means that our June swims won’t be starting at 4:30am!
While L1 still had some stray ice on it to remind us that it was still officially winter, the swim area itself was free and clear. Plus, you could tell that the lake is shedding off its winter layer as the water was significantly clearer. So we wasted little time and got in the 35.8F lake as soon as we could gear up.
While the water still hadn’t punched through the 40F ceiling, it sure felt a lot warmer than in prior weeks. Much of this was likely due to our acclimation to the cold over the past few months. But you could definitely tell that the hard edge of winter isn’t there anymore – even on a 32F morning.
Given the tranquil lake conditions, I did a just over 1/2 mile in a long lazy loop. Getting back into my civilian clothes was very easy, and I didn’t really have much of an afterdrop to contend with. So it looks like we can finally say goodbye to Old Man Winter – even if it is a bittersweet parting!