A few days of above-freezing weather not only thawed out our swim area, but it also created some amazing ice formations. Here are the shots from yesterday:
Ice caverns
Stealth diver
0 Replies to “Swim Report – January 22, 2009 – Ice Caverns”
Natalie it seems as though you are a fitness
minded person i.e. bicycling at -17 below.
We few cold open water swimmers could possibly
come up with the gear you would need but
that depends on your genetic make-up since
the gear we use needs to fit very snug. Another
option open to you would be to rent the gear
which a lot of the dive shops and triathlete
shops do. If your seriously considering this
your best bet would be to come down to one of
our get together’s on the weekend. We usually
meet up saturday/sunday around 7 a.m.
Someones almost allway’s at ladder one to check
conditions. but it’s good to check the next meet-
up information on the website.
You know, Steve, people think I’m nuts for bicycling when it’s 17 below zero, but you guys take the cake.
I could possibly be talked into trying an ice swim if someone would lend me gear. I already have too many expensive-gear hobbies to add regular ice swimming to my repertoire.
Natalie it seems as though you are a fitness
minded person i.e. bicycling at -17 below.
We few cold open water swimmers could possibly
come up with the gear you would need but
that depends on your genetic make-up since
the gear we use needs to fit very snug. Another
option open to you would be to rent the gear
which a lot of the dive shops and triathlete
shops do. If your seriously considering this
your best bet would be to come down to one of
our get together’s on the weekend. We usually
meet up saturday/sunday around 7 a.m.
Someones almost allway’s at ladder one to check
conditions. but it’s good to check the next meet-
up information on the website.
Keep Healthy Keep Swimming
Aquaman Chris
You know, Steve, people think I’m nuts for bicycling when it’s 17 below zero, but you guys take the cake.
I could possibly be talked into trying an ice swim if someone would lend me gear. I already have too many expensive-gear hobbies to add regular ice swimming to my repertoire.