I arrived into O’Hare late Saturday night and somehow came up with the goofy idea of getting up early to make it out for our Sunday swim. I probably should have just slept in and recovered from the morning’s two-miler, but – truth be told – I have too much fun out there, and I hate to miss out on it. So I reluctantly set my alarm for 5:30am…
By the time I got out to our swim spot, Ladder #1 was under some heavy assault from a very tempestuous Lake Michigan. Jennie and Julie, the legendary long-term lake swimmers we reverently refer to as “The Twins,” gave it a shot but climbed out after about 10 minutes. I jumped into the very pleasant 74F water and did a few drills before deciding that I really didn’t care to do much of a workout.
But the furious waves created all sorts of other opportunities for the clan at OL#1.
The Ochoas arrived along with all their water gear as well as the now infamous trampoline. Diver Dave brought out two huge inner tubes and indoctrinated me into their proper usage. Very soon, the swimming area was filled with the delighted shrieks of both children and adults as we all braved the peaks and valleys of Lake Michigan’s monster waves!
The twins