For those of you who are long time readers of OWC, you know my stance on eating and nutrition. Natural state fruits, vegetables, and animal source proteins are in and grains, sugars, dairy, and processed carbs are a big no-no. But every once in a while I heed the siren song of ice cream only to lament my lack of willpower after finishing off a quick pint.
The bottom line is that it’s often difficult to eat healthy because the human species is hardwired for addiction. Yes, you read that right. Far from being a “bad” thing, our addiction-prone brains and nervous systems actually helped us thrive as a species by providing us with high levels of motivation at a primal level while reinforcing cognitive and behavioral traits that ensured our continued existence.
The problem is that these same brains and nervous systems never encountered an abundance of high fat, calorically dense foods (i.e. grains, diary, and sugars) out in nature.
I recently conducted a podcast interview with Dr. Nora Volkow, Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and one of the world’s leading researchers on the neuroscience of addiction. It’s a little technical in some sections, but we do touch on the topic of addiction and evolution.
WHAT ! I saw you eat peanut butter and bacon on bagels and you loved it !!!! the fresh pineapples and secret sauce were just a cover up for a JUNK FOOD JUNKIE like you mister skinny pants.
The swim today was 54 1/2 degree water and 47 air. the rolling waves were huge at times even though the web site said 5 mph n.w. winds.. they lied it was blowin 15 to 20 plus from the east and n.east.
I’ll proudly carry that moniker…. 🙂
Only if you want to be known as the “Ladder #1 enabler”!
Does this mean you don’t want me to bring coffee and donuts next time?