A New "Magic Bullet" for Burning Fat?

There’s an interesting new announcement coming out of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Neuroscience. Researchers have discovered that using chemicals to inhibit the function of the enzyme known as Fyn kinase causes lab animals to immediately begin burning more fat.

The hope here is that this research could lead to new drugs which could instantly “switch on” the human fat burning process and address what has become a substantial public health issue. Per the lead scientist:

When there is an imbalance between what we eat and what we burn,” the outcome is obesity, said Claire Bastie of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Neuroscience. “And the problem of obesity is not going away. This is a new mechanism to help the body to burn extra energy.

My take on this is pretty straightforward – don’t hold out for some new type of “wonder drug” that offers instant results without requiring any behavioral changes.

The key is, nothing burns fat better than abundant amounts of high-energy, lean muscle tissue. And you can’t get that from taking a pill…

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